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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Geologic Framework of a Transect of the Central Brooks Range: Regional Relations and an Alternative to the Endicott Mountains Allochthon
J. S. Kelley , W. P. Brosge
Basement and Cover-Rock Deformation During Laramide Contraction in the Northern Madison Range (Montana) and Its Influence on Cenozoic Basin Formation
Karl S. Kellogg , Christopher J. Schmidt , Susan W. Young
Gravity-Driven Structures and Rift Basin Evolution: Rio Muni Basin, Offshore Equatorial West Africa
Jonathan P. Turner
Synthesis and Model of Formation-Water Flow, Alberta Basin, Canada
Stefan Bachu
Utility of Coal Seams as Genetic Stratigraphic Sequence Boundaries in Nonmarine Basins: An Example from the Gunnedah Basin, Australia: Discussion
John F. Aitken
Utility of Coal Seams as Genetic Stratigraphic Sequence Boundaries in Nonmarine Basins: An Example from the Gunnedah Basin, Australia: Reply
Douglas S. Hamilton
Unconformities and Porosity Development in Carbonate Strata: Ideas from a Hedberg Conference: Discussion
Gerald M. Friedman