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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Depositional Controls on Reservoir Properties in a Braid-Delta Sandstone, Tirrawarra Oil Field, South Australia
H. Scott Hamlin , Shirley P. Dutton , Robert J. Seggie , Noel Tyler
Illite/Smectite Diagenesis in the NanXiang, Yitong, and North China Permian-Carboniferous Basins: Application to Petroleum Exploration in China
Xinhua Deng , Youngchuan Sun , Xinrong Lei , Qi Lu
Progressive Rollover Fault-Propagation Folding: A Possible Kinematic Mechanism to Generate Regional-Scale Recumbent Folds in Shallow Foreland Belts
Fabrizio Storti , Francesco Salvini
Architectural Elements and Growth Patterns of Submarine Channels: Application to Hydrocarbon Exploration
J. D. Clark, K. T. Pickering
Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Cayman Trough (Caribbean Sea) From Seismic Reflection Data
Sylvie Leroy , Bernard Mercier de Lepinay , Alain Mauffret , Manuel Pubellier
Regional-Scale Flow of Formation Waters in the Williston Basin
Stefan Bachu , Brian Hitchon
A Two-Dimensional Regional Basin Model of Williston Basin Hydrocarbon Systems
Jean Burrus , Kirk Osadetz , Sylvie Wolf , Brigitte Doligez , Kees Visser , David Dearborn
Scaled Physical Model of Secondary Oil Migration: Discussion
P. S. Ringrose , S. R. Larter , P. W. M. Corbett , D. L. Carruthers
Scaled Physical Model of Secondary Oil Migration: Reply
M. M. Thomas , J. A. Clouse