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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Quantification of Porosity and Permeability Reduction Due to Calcite Cementation Using Computer-Assisted Petrographic Image Analysis Techniques
Theodore T. Mowers, David A. Budd
Origin of Beach-Stranded Tars from Source Rocks Indigenous to Seychelles
Phillip S. Plummer
Bryant Canyon Fan System: An Unconfined, Large River-Sourced System in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Gwang H. Lee , Joel S. Watkins , William R. Bryant
Thrust-Front Zone of the Precordillera, Argentina: A Thick-Skinned Triangle Zone
Tomas R. Zapata, Richard W. Allmendinger
Textural and Compositional Variability Across Littoral Segments of Lake Tanganyika: The Effect of Asymmetric Basin Structure on Sedimentation in Large Rift Lakes
Michael J. Soreghan , Andrew S. Cohen
Precambrian Basement Geology of the Permian Basin Region of West Texas and Eastern New Mexico: A Geophysical Perspective
Donald C. Adams, G. Randy Keller
Application of an Inverse Method for Calculating Three-Dimensional Fault Geometries and Slip Vectors, Nun River Field, Nigeria
Hugh G. Kerr, Nicky White