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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Reservoir Characterization of the Giant Hugoton Gas Field, Kansas
T. M. Olson, J. A. Babcock, K. V. K. Prasad, S. D. Boughton, P. D. Wagner, M. H. Franklin, K. A. Thompson
Analog Modeling of Pull-Apart Basins
Tim Dooley, Ken McClay
Shallow Geology of the Northern Barents Sea: Implications for Petroleum Potential
Finn B. Gustavsen, Henning Dypvik, and Anders Solheim
Diagenesis and Reservoir Potential of Permian-Triassic Fluvial/Lacustrine Sandstones in the Southern Junggar Basin, Northwestern China
Zhaohui Tang, John Parnell, and Fred J. Longstaffe
High-Resolution Surface and Subsurface Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Middle to Late Ordovician (Late Mohawkian-Cincinnatian) Foreland Basin Rocks, Kentucky and Virginia
Mike Pope, J. Fred Read
Importance of Fabric and Composition on the Stress Sensitivity of Permeability in Some Coals, Northern Sydney Basin, Australia: Relevance to Coalbed Methane Exploitation
R. M. Bustin
Well-Bore Bottom Stress Concentration and Induced Core Fractures
Yongyi Li, Douglas R. Schmitt
Geochemistry of Oils from the Junggar Basin, Northwest China
J. L. Clayton, J. Yang, J. D. King, P. G. Lillis, A. Warden