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AAPG Bulletin
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Ordovician Red River "B": Horizontal Oil Play in the Southern Williston Basin
Scott L. Montgomery
Structural Evolution of the Permian-Triassic Cooper Basin, Australia: Relation to Hydrocarbon Trap Styles
S. N. Apak, W. J. Stuart, N. M. Lemon, G. Wood
Organic Facies Variations, Source Rock Potential, and Sea Level Changes in Cretaceous Black Shales of the Quebrada Ocal, Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia
Ute Mann, Ruediger Stein
Petroleum Hydrogeology of the Cooper and Eromanga Basins, Australia: Some Insights from Mathematical Modeling and Fluid Inclusion Data
D. Toupin, P. J. Eadington, M. Person, P. Morin, J. Wieck, D. Warner
A Method to Detect Natural Fracture Strike in Sandstones
Stephen E. Laubach
The Oquirrh Basin Revisited
M. C. Erskine
Interaction of Basement-Involved and Thin-Skinned Tectonism in the Tertiary Fold-Thrust Belt of Central Spitsbergen, Svalbard
Steffen G. Bergh, Alvar Braathen, and Arild Andresen
Basin-Floor Fans in the North Sea: Sequence Stratigraphic Models vs. Sedimentary Facies: Discussion
R. N. Hiscott, K. T. Pickering, A. H. Bouma, B. M. Hand, B. C. Kneller, G. Postma, W. Soh
Basin-Floor Fans in the North Sea: Sequence Stratigraphic Models vs. Sedimentary Facies: Reply
G. Shanmugam, R. B. Bloch, J. E. Damuth, R. J. Hodgkinson