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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Permian Bone Spring Formation: Sandstone Play in the Delaware Basin, Part II-Basin
Scott L. Montgomery
Atomic H/C Ratio of Kerogen as an Estimate of Thermal Maturity and Organic Matter Conversion
D. K. Baskin
Petroleum Migration Pathways and Charge Concentration: A Three-Dimensional Model
Andrew D. Hindle
Quantitative Determination of Tertiary Sediment Supply to the North Sea Basin
X. Liu, W. E. Galloway
Effects of Sedimentation, Tectonics, and Glacio-Eustasy on Depositional Sequences, Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation, North-Central Colorado
Karen J. Houck
Mineral/Water Interaction, Fluid Flow, and Frio Sandstone Diagenesis: Evidence from the Rocks: Discussion
Knut Bjorlykke
Mineral/Water Interaction, Fluid Flow, and Frio Sandstone Diagenesis: Evidence from the Rocks: Reply
F. Leo Lynch