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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Upper Jurassic Reef Play, East Texas Basin: An Updated Overview: Part 1-Background and Outboard Trend
Scott L. Montgomery, T. Hodge Walker, Gregory P. Wahlman, Rick C. Tobin, Dan Ziegler
Primary Migration by Oil-Generation Microfracturing in Low-Permeability Source Rocks: Application to the Austin Chalk, Texas
Robert R. Berg, Anthony F. Gangi
Prediction of Fracture-Induced Permeability and Fluid Flow in the Crust Using Experimental Stress Data
Peter Connolly, John Cosgrove
Frontier Exploration in the South Atlantic: Structural Prospectivity in the North Falkland Basin
Ken Thomson, John R. Underhill
Mechanisms for Generating Overpressure in Sedimentary Basins: A Reevaluation: Discussion
Klaus Bitzer
A Common Source Rock for Egyptian and Saudi Hydrocarbons in the Red Sea: Discussion
Hein E. Wever
Black Shale Source Rocks and Oil Generation in the Cambrian and Ordovician of the Central Appalachian Basin, USA: Discussion
M. Obermajer, M. G. Fowler, L. R. Snowdon