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AAPG Bulletin

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Cave Gulch field, Natrona County, Wyoming: Large gas discovery in the Rocky Mountain foreland, Wind River basin (E & P Notes)

Scott L. Montgomery, Fred Barrett, Kim Vickery, Steve Natali, Roy Roux, Peter Dea

Evolution of stratigraphic sequences in multisegmented continental rift basins: Comparison of computer models with the basins of the East African rift system

Juan Contreras, Christopher H. Scholz

Detailed internal architecture of a fluvial channel sandstone determined from outcrop, cores, and 3-D ground-penetrating radar: Example from the middle Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, east-central Utah

Rucsandra M. Corbeanu, Kristian Soegaard, Robert B. Szerbiak, John B. Thurmond, George A. McMechan, Deming Wang, Steven Snelgrove, Craig B. Forster, Ari Menitove

Size distribution and dynamics of oil and gas field discoveries in petroleum basins

Alexey E. Kontorovich, Viktor I. Dyomin, Valery R. Livshits

Sedimentation, stratigraphy, and petroleum potential of Krishna-Godavari basin, East Coast of India

G. N. Rao

The development of seismic reflection sandbox modeling

Donald H. Sherlock, Brian J. Evans

Structure and geomorphology of the Duchesne graben, Uinta basin, Utah, and its enhancement of a hydrocarbon reservoir

Alicia Groeger, Ronald Bruhn

Porosity loss, fluid flow, and mass transfer in limestone reservoirs: Application to the Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, Mississippi (Discussion & Reply)

Discussion: S. N. Ehrenberg; Reply: Ezat Heydari

Also in this Issue

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Gulf Coast Section Abstracts

Mid-Continent Section Abstracts

Book Releases and Reviews

Memorials: Mortimer Allen Kline Jr, Mingchou Lee, William C. Penttila