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AAPG Bulletin
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Calcite cement distribution and its effect on fluid flow in a deltaic sandstone, Frontier Formation, Wyoming
Shirley P. Dutton, Christopher D. White, Brian J. Willis, Djuro Novakovic
Application of a ramp/flat-fault model to interpretation of the Naga thrust and possible implications for petroleum exploration along the Naga thrust front
W. Norman Kent, Robert G. Hickman, Udayan Dasgupta
Construction of an intergranular volume compaction curve for evaluating and predicting compaction and porosity loss in rigid-grain sandstone reservoirs
S. T. Paxton, J. O. Szabo, J. M. Ajdukiewicz, R. E. Klimentidis
Umir Formation: Organic geochemical and stratigraphic assessment as cosource for Middle Magdalena basin oil, Colombia
A. Rangel, J. M. Moldowan, C. Nino, P. Parra, B. N. Giraldo
Estimating fracture trace intensity, density, and mean length using circular scan lines and windows
M. B. Rohrbaugh Jr., W. M. Dunne, M. Mauldon
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