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AAPG Bulletin
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Carbonate reservoir characterization and simulation: From facies to flow units: Report from the March 2004 Hedberg Research Symposium
Charles T. Feazel, Alan P. Byrnes, James W. Honefenger, Robert J. Leibrecht, Robert G. Loucks, Steven McCants, Art H. Saller
Deep-water leveed-channel complexes of the Cerro Toro Formation, Upper Cretaceous, southern Chile
R. T. Beaubouef
Understanding growth-faulted, intraslope subbasins by applying sequence-stratigraphic principles: Examples from the south Texas Oligocene Frio Formation
L. Frank Brown Jr., Robert G. Loucks, Ramn H. Trevio, Ursula Hammes
Salt tectonics on the Angolan margin, synsedimentary deformation processes
Xavier Fort, Jean-Pierre Brun, Francois Chauvel
Central North Sea hydrocarbon systems: Generation, migration, entrapment, and thermal degradation of oil and gas
Gary H. Isaksen
Upper Jurassic thrombolite reservoir play, northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Ernest A. Mancini, Juan Carlos Llins, William C. Parcell, Marc Aurell, Beatriz Bdenas, Reinhold R. Leinfelder, D. Joe Benson
Seismic attribute-based characterization of coalbed methane reservoirs: An example from the Fruitland Formation, San Juan basin, New Mexico
Ivn Dimitri Marroqun, Bruce S. Hart
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