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AAPG Bulletin
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A structural interpretation of the Fish Creek Slide (Lower Cretaceous), northern Alaska
Thomas X. Homza
Sequence stratigraphy of the Kingak Shale (Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous), National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska
David W. Houseknecht, Kenneth J. Bird
Flow units, connectivity, and reservoir characterization in a wave-dominated deltaic reservoir: Meren reservoir, Nigeria
D. K. Larue, H. Legarre
Hydrocarbon prospectivity of Nigeria's inland basins: From the viewpoint of organic geochemistry and organic petrology
N. G. Obaje, H. Wehner, G. Scheeder, M. B. Abubakar, A. Jauro
A multidisciplinary, statistical approach to study the relationships between helium leakage and neotectonic activity in a gas province: The Vasto basin, Abruzzo-Molise (central Italy)
G. Ciotoli, S. Lombardi, S. Morandi, F. Zarlenga
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