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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Introduction: Resolution is the solution

William W. Sager, William R. Bryant, Earl H. Doyle

Near-surface geology and sediment-failure geohazards of the central Scotian Slope

David C. Mosher, David J. W. Piper, D. Calvin Campbell, Kimberley A. Jenner

Side-scan sonar imaging of hydrocarbon seeps on the Louisiana continental slope

William W. Sager, Ian R. MacDonald, Rusheng Hou

High-resolution geological AUV survey results across a portion of the eastern Sigsbee Escarpment

Y.-D. Eddy Lee, Robert A. Tony George

Sediment deposits in the Cape Basin: Indications for shifting ocean currents?

Estella Weigelt, Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben

Analysis of submarine slumping in the Gabon continental slope

Nabil Sultan, Pierre Cochonat, Florence Cayocca, Jean-Franois Bourillet, Jean-Louis Colliat

Slope-instability processes caused by salt movements in a complex deep-water environment, Bryant Canyon area, northwest Gulf of Mexico

Efthymios K. Tripsanas, William R. Bryant, Brett A. Phaneuf

Depositional processes of uniform mud deposits (unifites), Hedberg Basin, northwest Gulf of Mexico: New perspectives

Efthymios K. Tripsanas, William R. Bryant, Brett A. Phaneuf

Seafloor reconnaissance and classification of the Storegga Slide headwall region, Norwegian Sea, using side-scan sonar, video, and photographs acquired on submarine NR-1

Brian S. Parsons, Peter R. Vogt, Haflidi Haflidason, Woo-Yeol Jung

Definition of geohazards in exploration 3-D seismic data using attributes and neural-network analysis

Roar Heggland

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Memorial: Thomas Hughes Philpott