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AAPG Bulletin
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Three-dimensional structural model of the Cantarell and Sihil structures, Campeche Bay, Mexico
Shankar Mitra, Gerardo Correa Figueroa, Jesus Hernandez Garcia, Antonio Murillo Alvarado
Modeling petroleum generation in the Paleozoic of the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia: Implications for prospectivity
K. Ameed R. Ghori, Arthur J. Mory, Robert P. Iasky
Petrophysics of Lower Silurian sandstones and integration with the tectonic-stratigraphic framework, Appalachian basin, United States
James W. Castle, Alan P. Byrnes
The rate of pressure dissipation from abnormally pressured compartments
Ann Muggeridge, Yafes Abacioglu, William England, Craig Smalley
The upper Paleozoic coalbed methane system in the Qinshui basin, China
Xianbo Su, Xiaoying Lin, Mengjun Zhao, Yan Song, Shaobo Liu
Origin and development of plains-type folds in the mid-continent (United States) during the late Paleozoic
Daniel F. Merriam
Cenozoic tectonics of New Guinea
Andrew Quarles van Ufford, Mark Cloos
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