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AAPG Bulletin
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An analysis of horizontal microcracking during catagenesis: Example from the Catskill delta complex
Gary G. Lash, Terry Engelder
Geothermal gradient and temperature of hydrogen sulfide-bearing reservoirs, Alabama continental shelf
Seiichi Nagihara, Michael A. Smith
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
R. Michael Easton, James O. Jones, Alfred C. Lenz, Ismael Ferrusqua-Villafranca, Ernest A. Mancini, Bruce R. Wardlaw, Lucy E. Edwards, Brian R. Pratt
3-D modeling of geologic maps from surface data
Damien Dhont, Pascal Luxey, Jean Chorowicz
Deep-water Niger Delta fold and thrust belt modeled as a critical-taper wedge: The influence of elevated basal fluid pressure on structural styles
Frank Bilotti, John H. Shaw
Classification and characterizations of biogenically enhanced permeability
S. George Pemberton, Murray K. Gingras
Geochemical characteristics of oil and source rocks and implications for petroleum systems, Talara basin, northwest Peru
Andrea Fildani, Andrew D. Hanson, Zhengzheng Chen, J. Michael Moldowan, Stephan A. Graham, Pedro Raul Arriola
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