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AAPG Bulletin
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Petroleum geology and resource assessment: 1002 area, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Scott L. Montgomery
Gulf of Mexico tectonic history: Hotspot tracks, crustal boundaries, and early salt distribution
Dale E. Bird, Kevin Burke, Stuart A. Hall, John F. Casey
Origin and timing of sand injection, petroleum migration, and diagenesis in Tertiary reservoirs, south Viking Graben, North Sea
R. Jonk, A. Hurst, D. Duranti, J. Parnell, A. Mazzini, A. E. Fallick
Velocity-depth trends in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments from the Norwegian Shelf
Vidar Storvoll, Knut Bjrlykke, Nazmul H. Mondol
Pressure solution in chalk
M. Safaricz, I. Davison
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