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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Well-log tomography and 3-D imaging of core and log-curve amplitudes in a Niagaran reef, Belle River Mills field, St. Clair County, Michigan, United States
Albert S. Wylie Jr., James R. Wood
Sandstone vs. carbonate petroleum reservoirs: A global perspective on porosity-depth and porosity-permeability relationships
S. N. Ehrenberg, P. H. Nadeau
Salt diapir-influenced, shallow-marine sediment dispersal patterns: Insights from outcrop analogs
Jennifer L. Aschoff, Katherine A. Giles
Fault and fracture systems in a fold and thrust belt: An example from Bolivia
Juan-Mauricio Florez-Nio, Atilla Aydin, Gary Mavko, Marco Antonellini, Asterio Ayaviri
The influence of basement faults during extension and oblique inversion of the Makassar Straits rift system: Insights from analog models
A. Gartrell, C. Hudson, B. Evans
Three-dimensional reservoir characterization and flow simulation of heterolithic tidal sandstones
Matthew D. Jackson, Shuji Yoshida, Ann H. Muggeridge, Howard D. Johnson
Architectural units and heterogeneity of channel reservoirs in the Karamay Formation, outcrop area of Karamay oil field, Junggar basin, northwest China
Jiao Yangquan, Yan Jiaxin, Li Sitian, Yang Ruiqi, Lang Fengjiang, Yang Shengke
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