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AAPG Bulletin
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Structure, petrophysics, and diagenesis of shale entrained along a normal fault at Black Diamond Mines, California—Implications for fault seal
Peter Eichhubl, Peter S. D'Onfro, Atilla Aydin, John Waters, Douglas K. McCarty
A ground-penetrating radar survey of a delta-front reservoir analog in the Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Wyoming
Keumsuk Lee, Xiaoxian Zeng, George A. McMechan, Charles D. Howell Jr., Janok P. Bhattacharya, Fanny Marcy, Cornel Olariu
Sequence stratigraphy of tidally influenced deposits in a salt-withdrawal minibasin: Upper sandstone member of the Potrerillos Formation (Paleocene), La Popa basin, Mexico
D. C. Shelley, T. F. Lawton
Volumetric strain associated with methane desorption and its impact on coalbed gas production from deep coal seams
Xiaojun Cui, R. Marc Bustin
Egret-Hibernia(!), a significant petroleum system, northern Grand Banks area, offshore eastern Canada
Leslie B. Magoon, Travis L. Hudson, Kenneth E. Peters
Modification of the petroleum system concept: Origins of alkanes and isoprenoids in crude oils: Discussion
Clifford C. Walters, David J. Curry, Gary H. Isaksen
Modifications of the petroleum system concept: Origins of alkanes and isoprenoids in crude oils: Reply
James Collister, Robert Ehrlich, Frank Mango, Glenn Johnson
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