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AAPG Bulletin
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Fracture paragenesis and microthermometry in Lisburne Group detachment folds: Implications for the thermal and structural evolution of the northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska
C. L. Hanks, T. M. Parris, W. K. Wallace
The Tertiary and the Quaternary are here to stay
Amos Salvador
Mesozoic–Cenozoic evolution of North Atlantic continental-slope basins: The Peniche basin, western Iberian margin
Tiago M. Alves, Carlos Moita, Frode Sandnes, Tiago Cunha, Jos H. Monteiro, Luis M. Pinheiro
An unusual, muddy, epeiric carbonate reservoir: The Lower Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic) of the Netherlands
Ravi Borkhataria, Thomas Aigner, Koos J. C. P. Pipping
Porosity-permeability relationships in interlayered limestone-dolostone reservoirs
S. N. Ehrenberg, G. P. Eberli, M. Keramati, S. A. Moallemi
Polyphase deformation of diapiric areas in models and in the eastern Prebetics (Spain)
Eduard Roca, Maura Sans, Hemin A. Koyi
Formation mechanisms of hydrocarbon reservoirs associated with volcanic and subvolcanic intrusive rocks: Examples in MesozoicCenozoic basins of eastern China
Changzhi Wu, Lianxing Gu, Zunzhong Zhang, Zuowei Ren, Zhengyan Chen, Weiqiang Li
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