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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Hyperpycnal flow variability and slope organization on an Eocene shelf margin, Central Basin, Spitsbergen
Andrew L. Petter, Ronald J. Steel
Numerical simulation of water injection into layered fractured carbonate reservoir analogs
Mandefro Belayneh, Sebastian Geiger, Stephan K. Matthi
Crustal insights from gravity and aeromagnetic analysis: Central North Slope, Alaska
Richard W. Saltus, Christopher J. Potter, Jeffrey D. Phillips
Seismic expression of fracture-swarm sweet spots, Upper Cretaceous tight-gas reservoirs, San Juan Basin
Bruce S. Hart
Advance of allochthonous salt sheets in passive margins and orogens
Michael R. Hudec, Martin P. A. Jackson
Structural geometry and evolution of the Ku, Zaap, and Maloob structures, Campeche Bay, Mexico
Shankar Mitra, Juan A. Duran Gonzalez, Jesus Garcia Hernandez, Sergio Hernandez Garcia, Subhotosh Banerjee
Leaves in turbidite sands: The main source of oil and gas in the deep-water Kutei Basin, Indonesia
Arthur Saller, Rui Lin, John Dunham
Normal fault growth and its function on the control of sedimentation during basin formation: A case study from field exposures of the Upper Cambrian Owen Conglomerate, West Coast Range, western Tasmania, Australia
Christian Alistair Noll, Mike Hall
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