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AAPG Bulletin
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Three-dimensional structural modeling and its application for development of the El Portn field, Argentina
Gonzalo Zamora Valcarce, Toms Zapata, Andrs Ansa, Gustavo Selva
Structural imaging in the Rocky Mountain Foothills (Alberta) using magnetotelluric exploration
Wen Xiao, Martyn Unsworth
Depositional and structural evolution of the middle Miocene depositional episode, east-central Gulf of Mexico
Ricardo I. Combellas-Bigott, William E. Galloway
Geometric and seismic interpretation of the Perdido fold belt: Northwestern deep-water Gulf of Mexico
Rion H. Camerlo, Edward F. Benson
Evaluation of kinetic uncertainty in numerical models of petroleum generation
Kenneth E. Peters, Clifford C. Walters, Paul J. Mankiewicz
Climate change: Conflict of observational science, theory, and politics: Discussion
Bryan Lovell
Climate change: Conflict of observational science, theory, and politics: Reply
Lee C. Gerhard
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