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AAPG Bulletin
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Introduction to the Maracaibo Basin theme issue
Paul Mann, Alejandro Escalona
Regional geologic and tectonic setting of the Maracaibo supergiant basin, western Venezuela
Paul Mann, Alejandro Escalona, Mara Vernica Castillo
Tectonic controls of the right-lateral Burro Negro tear fault on Paleogene structure and stratigraphy, northeastern Maracaibo Basin
Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann
Deep structure of the Mrida Andes and Sierra de Perij mountain fronts, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela
Leonardo Duerto, Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann
Cretaceous to Holocene structural and stratigraphic development in south Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, inferred from well and three-dimensional seismic data
Mara Vernica Castillo, Paul Mann
Cretaceous to Holocene structural and stratigraphic development in south Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, inferred from well and three-dimensional seismic data
Mara Vernica Castillo, Paul Mann
Deeply buried, Early Cretaceous paleokarst terrane, southern Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela
Mara Vernica Castillo, Paul Mann
Sequence-stratigraphic analysis of Eocene clastic foreland basin deposits in central Lake Maracaibo using high-resolution well correlation and 3-D seismic data
Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann
Early and middle Miocene depositional history of the Maracaibo Basin, western Venezuela
Jos I. Guzmn, William L. Fisher
An overview of the petroleum system of Maracaibo Basin
Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann
Petrophysical and seismic properties of lower Eocene clastic rocks in the central Maracaibo Basin
Alejandro Escalona
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