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AAPG Bulletin
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Methane and hydrogen sulfide seepage in the northwest Peloponnesus petroliferous basin (Greece): Origin and geohazard
Giuseppe Etiope, George Papatheodorou, Dimitris P. Christodoulou, George Ferentinos, Efthimios Sokos, Paolo Favali
Analysis of light hydrocarbons in soil gases, Lost River region, West Virginia: Relation to stratigraphy and geological structures
William Harbert, Victor T. Jones, John Izzo, Thomas H. Anderson
Seismic facies and reservoir characteristics of a deep-marine channel belt in the Molasse foreland basin, Puchkirchen Formation, Austria
Menno J. De Ruig, Stephen M. Hubbard
Degradation of compressional fold belts: Deep-water Niger Delta
Pivi Heini, Richard J. Davies
Structure and emplacement of mud volcano systems in the South Caspian Basin
Simon A. Stewart, Richard J. Davies
Understanding growth-faulted, intraslope subbasins by applying sequence-stratigraphic principles: Examples from the south Texas Oligocene Frio Formation: Discussion
Marc B. Edwards
Understanding growth-faulted, intraslope subbasins by applying sequence-stratigraphic principles: Examples from the south Texas Oligocene Frio Formation: Reply
L. Frank Brown Jr., Robert G. Loucks, Ramn H. Trevio, Ursula Hammes
Sandstone vs. carbonate petroleum reservoirs: A global perspective on porosity-depth and porosity-permeability relationships: Discussion*
Roberto Aguilera
Sandstone vs. carbonate petroleum reservoirs: A global perspective on porosity-depth and porosity-permeability relationships: Reply
Paul H. Nadeau, Stephen N. Ehrenberg,
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