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AAPG Bulletin
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Toward a quantitative definition of mechanical units: New techniques and results from an outcropping deep-water turbidite succession (Tanqua-Karoo Basin, South Africa)
G. Bertotti, N. Hardebol, J. K. Taal-van Koppen, S. M. Luthi
Geologic controls on transgressive-regressive cycles in the upper Pictured Cliffs Sandstone and coal geometry in the lower Fruitland Formation, northern San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado
William A. Ambrose, Walter B. Ayers Jr.
Overpressure generation and evolution in a compressional tectonic setting, the southern margin of Junggar Basin, northwestern China
Xiaorong Luo, Zhaoming Wang, Liqiang Zhang, Wan Yang, Loujun Liu
Seal bypass systems
Joe Cartwright, Mads Huuse, Andrew Aplin
Petroleum systems in the offshore Xihu Basin on the continental shelf of the East China Sea
Jiaren Ye, Hairuo Qing, Stephen L. Bend, Huirong Gu
Lower Paleozoic petroleum from southern Scandinavia: Implications to a Paleozoic petroleum system offshore southern Norway
Jon H. Pedersen, Dag A. Karlsen, Nils Spjeldnas, Kristian Backer-Owe, Jan E. Lie, Harald Brunstad
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