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AAPG Bulletin
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Handling risk and uncertainty in petroleum exploration and asset management: An overview
P. Craig Smalley, Stephen H. Begg, Michael Naylor, Sigrunn Johnsen, Antonella Godi
Toward consistency in petroleum exploration: A systematic way of constraining uncertainty in prospect volumetrics
David G. Quirk, Richard G. Ruthrauff
A method to estimate block values through competitive bidding
Ricardo Furtado, Saul B. Suslick, Monica R. Rodriguez
A Bayesian belief network approach for assessing the impact of exploration prospect interdependency: An application to predict gas discoveries in the Netherlands
Jan-Diederik Van Wees, Harmen Mijnlieff, Jan Lutgert, Jaap Breunese, Christian Bos, Peter Rosenkranz, Filip Neele
Managing trade-offs between conflicting goals through a portfolio visualization process
Stephen M. Rasey
The effect of methodology on volumetric uncertainty estimation in static reservoir models
Helene Beucher, Didier Renard, Brigitte Doligez, Marco Pontiggia, Giuseppe Bellentani
I would rather be vaguely right than precisely wrong: A new approach to decision making in the petroleum exploration and production industry
Reidar B. Bratvold, Steve H. Begg
Using the value of information to determine optimal well order in a sequential drilling program
Peter Cunningham, Steve Begg
Studies of United Kingdom Continental Shelf fields after a decade of production: How does production data affect the estimation of subsurface uncertainty?
Pete Smith
Uncertainty in prospect evaluation: Lessons from the movie industry
Pierre Delfiner
Responsible reporting of uncertain petroleum reserves
Mark McLane, James Gouveia, Gary P. Citron, James MacKay, Peter R. Rose
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