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AAPG Bulletin
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Mesozoic (Upper JurassicLower Cretaceous) deep gas reservoir play, central and eastern Gulf coastal plain
Ernest A. Mancini, Peng Li, Donald A. Goddard, Victor Ramirez, Suhas C. Talukdar
Automated thermotectonostratigraphic basin reconstruction: Viking Graben case study
L. H. Rupke, S. M. Schmalholz, D. W. Schmid, Y. Y. Podladchikov
Identification of microbial and thermogenic gas components from Upper Devonian black shale cores, Illinois and Michigan basins
Anna M. Martini, Lynn M. Walter, Jennifer C. McIntosh
Origin and accumulation of carbon dioxide in the Huanghua depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Tongwei Zhang, Mingjie Zhang, Baojun Bai, Xianbin Wang, Liwu Li
Fault zone deformation controlled by carbonate mechanical stratigraphy, Balcones fault system, Texas
David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris
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