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AAPG Bulletin
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Paleochannel sands as conduits for hydrocarbon leakage across faults: An example from the Wilmington oil field, California
Linji Y. An
Petroleum reservoir porosity versus depth: Influence of geological age
S. N. Ehrenberg P. H. Nadeau O. Steen
Quantification of pore structure and its effect on sonic velocity and permeability in carbonates
Ralf J. Weger, Gregor P. Eberli, Gregor T. Baechle, Jose L. Massaferro, Yue-Feng Sun
Gas geochemistry of the Mobile Bay Jurassic Norphlet Formation: Thermal controls and implications for reservoir connectivity
Paul J. Mankiewicz, Robert J. Pottorf, Michael G. Kozar, Peter Vrolijk
Reconstructing morphological and depositional characteristics in subsurface sedimentary systems: An example from the Maastrichtian–Danian Ormen Lange system, More Basin, Norwegian Sea
Tor O. Somme, Ole J. Martinsen, John B. Thurmond
Sandstone-body dimensions in a lower coastal-plain depositional setting: Lower Williams Fork Formation, Coal Canyon, Piceance Basin, Colorado
Matthew J. Pranter, Rex D. Cole, Henrikus Panjaitan, Nicholas K. Sommer
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