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AAPG Bulletin
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Structural controls of fracture orientations, intensity, and connectivity, Teton anticline, Sawtooth Range, Montana
Kajari Ghosh, Shankar Mitra
Mechanisms for oil depletion and enrichment on the Shijiutuo uplift, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Fang Hao, Xinhuai Zhou, Yangming Zhu, Yuanyuan Yang
Diagenetic characteristics of the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone in the Covenant oil field, central Utah thrust belt
W. T., Parry, Marjorie A. Chan, Barbara P. Nash
Three-dimensional seismic geomorphology of a deep-water slope-channel system: The Sequoia field, offshore west Nile Delta, Egypt
Nigel E. Cross, Alan Cunningham, Robert J. Cook, Amal Taha, Eslam Esmaie, Nasar El Swidan
Hydrogeochemistry and gas compositions of the Uinta Basin: A regional-scale overview
Ye Zhang, Carl W. Gable, George A. Zyvoloski, Lynn M. Walter
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