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AAPG Bulletin
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Impact of deltaic clinothems on reservoir performance: Dynamic studies of reservoir analogs from the Ferron Sandstone Member and Panther Tongue, Utah
Havard D. Enge, John A. Howell
Controls on hydrocarbon properties in a Paleozoic petroleum system in Saudi Arabia: Exploration and development implications
Khaled R. Arouri, Pierre J. Van Laer, Mark H. Prudden, Peter D. Jenden, William J. Carrigan, Adnan A. Al-Hajji
Submarine channel response to intrabasinal tectonics: The influence of lateral tilt
Ian A. Kane, Vicky Catterall, William D. McCaffrey, Ole J. Martinsen
Geomechanical modeling of an extensional fault-propagation fold: Big Brushy Canyon monocline, Sierra Del Carmen, Texas
Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Barron J. Bichon, David S. Riha, Luc Huyse
Sedimentary facies and three-dimensional reconstructions of upper Oligocene meander belts from the Loranca Basin, Spain
Margarita Diaz-Molina, M. Belen Munoz-Garcia
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