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AAPG Bulletin
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Fault growth and linkage: Implications for tectonosedimentary evolution in the Chezhen Basin of Bohai Bay, eastern China
Jinbao Su, Wenbin Zhu, Jia Wei, Leiming Xu, Yanfeng Yang, Zhiqiang Wang, Zhiyong Zhang
Fault framework and kinematic evolution of inversion structures: Natural examples from the Neuquen Basin, Argentina
Gabriel O. Grimaldi, Steven L. Dorobek
Thickness trends and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian Marcellus Formation, Appalachian Basin: Implications for Acadian foreland basin evolution
Gary G. Lash, Terry Engelder
Seismic architecture of a Lower Cretaceous platform-to-slope system, Santa Agueda and Poza Rica fields, Mexico
Xavier Janson, Charles Kerans, Robert Loucks, M. Alfredo Marhx, Carlos Reyes, Francisco Murguia
Mesozoic hydrogeologic systems and hydrocarbon habitat, Mandapeta-Endamuru area, Krishna Godavari Basin, India
M. V. K. Murthy, P. K. Padhy, D. N. Prasad
Depositional facies analysis and modeling of the Judy Creek reef complex of the Upper Devonian Swan Hills, Alberta, Canada: Discussion
Jack Wendte
Depositional facies analysis and modeling of the Judy Creek reef complex of the Upper Devonian Swan Hills, Alberta, Canada: Reply
Y. Zee Ma, Andrew Seto, Ernest Gomez
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