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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Model for how microbial methane generation can preserve early porosity in dolomite and limestone reservoirs
Paul A. Kenward, Robert H. Goldstein, Andrea E. Brookfield, Luis A. Gonzalez, Jennifer A. Roberts
Stratigraphic uncertainty in sparse versus rich data sets in a fluvial-deltaic outcrop analog: Ferron Notom delta in the Henry Mountains region, southern Utah
Weiguo Li, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Yijie Zhu
Using copulas for implementation of variable dependencies in petroleum resource assessment: Example from Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada
Zhuoheng Chen, Kirk G. Osadetz, James Dixon, James Dietrich
Diverse fracture properties and their impact on performance in conventional and tight-gas reservoirs, Saudi Arabia: The Unayzah, South Haradh case study
Mohammed S. Ameen, Keith MacPherson, Maher I. Al-Marhoon, Zillur Rahim
Organic geochemistry of the Woodford Shale, southeastern Oklahoma: How variable can shales be?
Andrea Miceli Romero, R. Paul Philp
Time-constrained illitization in gas-bearing Rotliegende (Permian) sandstones from northern Germany by illite potassium-argon dating
Norbert Clauer, Nicole Liewig, Horst Zwingmann
Computer modeling bioturbation: The creation of porous and permeable fluid-flow pathways
Andrew D. La Croix, Murray K. Gingras, Shahin E. Dashtgard, S. George Pemberton
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