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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Thermomechanical origin of regional fracture systems
Joseph M. English
Carbonate rock characterization and modeling: Capillary pressure and permeability in multimodal rocks—A look beyond sample specific heterogeneity
Iulian N. Hulea, Chris A. Nicholls
A geologic deconstruction of one of the world's largest natural accumulations of CO2, Moxa arch, southwestern Wyoming
Thomas P. Becker, Ranie Lynds
Visualizing lateral anisotropy in modern carbonates
Sam J. Purkis, Brigitte Vlaswinkel
Damage and plastic deformation of reservoir rocks: Part 1. Damage fracturing
Seth Busetti, Kyran Mish, Ze'ev Reches
Damage and plastic deformation of reservoir rocks: Part 2. Propagation of a hydraulic fracture
Seth Busetti, Kyran Mish, Peter Hennings, Ze'ev Reches
Normal faults and gas migration in an active plate boundary, southern Taranaki Basin, offshore New Zealand
Bradley R. Ilg, Samuel Hemmings-Sykes, Andrew Nicol, Jan Baur, Miko Fohrmann, Rob Funnell, Mike Milner
Outcrop-constrained hydrogeological simulations of brine reflux and early dolomitization of the Permian San Andres Formation
Beatriz Garcia-Fresca, F. Jerry Lucia, John M. Sharp Jr., Charles Kerans
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