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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Fault transmissibility in clastic-argillaceous sequences controlled by clay smear evolution
Silvio B. Giger, Michael B. Clennell, N. Bozkurt Ciftci, Craig Harbers, Peter Clark, Mark Ricchetti
Three-dimensional structure of experimentally produced clay smears: Implications for fault seal analysis
N. Bozkurt Ciftci, Silvio B. Giger, Michael B. Clennell
Experimental models of transfer zones in rift systems
Debapriya Paul, Shankar Mitra
Three-dimensional paleomorphologic reconstruction and turbidite distribution prediction revealing a Pleistocene confined basin system in the northeast Nankai Trough area
Kosuke Egawa, Toshiko Furukawa, Tatsuo Saeki, Kiyofumi Suzuki, Hideo Narita
Modern internal waves and internal tides along oceanic pycnoclines: Challenges and implications for ancient deep-marine baroclinic sands
G. Shanmugam
Outcrop analog for an oolitic carbonate ramp reservoir: A scale-dependent geologic modeling approach based on stratigraphic hierarchy
Frederic Amour, Maria Mutti, Nicolas Christ, Adrian Immenhauser, Gregory S. Benson, Susan M. Agar, Sara Tomas, Lahcen Kabiri
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