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AAPG Bulletin

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Evidence for stratigraphically controlled paleogeotherms in the Illinois Basin based on vitrinite-reflectance analysis: Implications for interpreting coal-rank anomalies

Jorge Mariño, Stephen Marshak, Maria Mastalerz

Quantifying flow in variably wet microporous carbonates using object-based geological modeling and both lattice-Boltzmann and pore-network fluid flow simulations

S. R. Harland, R. A. Wood, A. Curtis, M. I. J. van Dijke, K. Stratford, Z. Jiang, W. Kallel, K. Sorbie

Underpressure in Mesozoic and Paleozoic rock units in the Midcontinent of the United States

Philip H. Nelson, Nicholas J. Gianoutsos, Ronald M. Drake II

Structural and hydrogeologic evolution of the Putumayo basin and adjacent fold-thrust belt, Colombia

Brad D. Wolaver, James C. Coogan, Brian K. Horton, Lorena Suarez Bermudez, Alexander Y. Sun, Timothy F. Wawrzyniec, Tongwei Zhang, Timothy M. Shanahan, Dallas B. Dunlap, Ruth A. Costley, Luciana de la Rocha

Stratigraphic architecture of fluvial deposits from borehole images, spectral-gamma-ray response, and outcrop analogs, Piceance Basin, Colorado

Gabriela I. Keeton, Matthew J. Pranter, Rex D. Cole, Edmund R. (Gus) Gustason

The evolution of pore-scale fluid-saturation in low-permeability sandstone reservoirs

Keith W. Shanley, Robert M. Cluff

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October 2015 Cover and Caption
