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AAPG Bulletin
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Geochemical and isotopic evolution of water produced from Middle Devonian Marcellus shale gas wells, Appalachian basin, Pennsylvania
Elisabeth L. Rowan, Mark A. Engle, Thomas F. Kraemer, Karl T. Schroeder, Richard W. Hammack, Michael W. Doughten
Geological and hydrological controls on water coproduced with coalbed methane in Liulin, eastern Ordos basin, China
Yong Li, Dazhen Tang, Hao Xu, Derek Elsworth, Yanjun Meng
Geologic evolution of the Iraqi Zagros, and its influence on the distribution of hydrocarbons in the Kurdistan region
Joseph M. English, Grenville A. Lunn, Luke Ferreira, George Yacu
The Umiak field discovery, Northwest Territories, Canada
Gary Prost, Guy Peasley
Allochthonous salt initiation and advance in the northern Flinders and eastern Willouran ranges, South Australia: Using outcrops to test subsurface-based models from the northern Gulf of Mexico
Thomas E. Hearon, IV Mark G. Rowan, Katherine A. Giles, Rachelle A. Kernen, Cora E. Gannaway, Timothy F. Lawton, J. Carl Fiduk
Organic matter pores and oil generation in the Tuscaloosa marine shale
Jiemin Lu, Stephen C. Ruppel, Harry D. Rowe
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