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AAPG Bulletin
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Fluid flow and related diagenetic processes in a rift basin: Evidence from the fourth member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation interval, Dongying depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Benben Ma, Kenneth A. Eriksson, Yingchang Cao, Yancong Jia, Yanzhong Wang, Benjamin C. Gill
Integrating outcrop and subsurface data to assess the temporal evolution of a submarine channel–levee system
Emma A. Morris, David M. Hodgson, Stephen Flint, Rufus L. Brunt, Stefan M. Luthi, Yolanda Kolenberg
Pore and pore network evolution of Upper Cretaceous Boquillas (Eagle Ford–equivalent) mudrocks: Results from gold tube pyrolysis experiments
Lucy T. Ko, Robert G. Loucks, Tongwei Zhang, Stephen C. Ruppel, Deyong Shao
Megaflaps adjacent to salt diapirs
Mark G. Rowan, Katherine A. Giles, Thomas E. Hearon IV, J. Carl Fiduk
Organic-geochemistry characterization of the Paleogene to Neogene source rocks in the Sayhut subbasin, Gulf of Aden Basin, with emphasis on organic-matter input and petroleum-generation potential
Mohammed Hail Hakimi, Abdulghani Faid Ahmed
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