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AAPG Bulletin

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New insights into the formation mechanism of high hydrogen sulfide–bearing gas condensates: Case study of Lower Ordovician dolomite reservoirs in the Tazhong uplift, Tarim Basin

Jin Su, Shuichang Zhang, Haiping Huang, Yu Wang, Huitong Wang, Kun He, Xiaomei Wang, Bin Zhang, Huajian Wang

Recovery rates of fracturing fluids and provenance of produced water from hydraulic fracturing of Silurian Qusaiba hot shale, northern Saudi Arabia, with implications on fracture network

Peter Birkle

Geochemistry of formation waters from the subsalt Tubular Bells Field, offshore Gulf of Mexico: Implications for fluid movement and reservoir continuity

Stephen G. Franks, Steven J. Uchytil

Comprehensive assessment of source rocks in the Bohai Sea area, eastern China

Jiang Fujie, Pang Xiongqi, Bai Jing, Zhou Xinhuai, Li Jianping, Guo Yonghua

Microanalysis of carbonate cement δ18O in a CO2-storage system seal: Insights into the diagenetic history of the Eau Claire Formation (Upper Cambrian), Illinois Basin

Maciej G. Śliwiński, Reinhard Kozdon, Kouki Kitajima, Adam Denny, John W. Valley

Evidence for a petroleum subsystem in the Frontier Formation of the Uinta–Piceance Basin petroleum province

Andrew J. Hutsky, Christopher R. Fielding, Tracy D. Frank

The discovery and significance of a sedimentary hiatus within the Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation, northeastern Ordos Basin, China: Discussion

Wenbo Zheng, Xiangyang Hu, Shuwei Chen, Jiandang Liu, Chao Jia

The discovery and significance of a sedimentary hiatus within the Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation, northeastern Ordos Basin, China: Reply

Zaixing Jiang, Jie Xu, Guoting Wang

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