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AAPG Bulletin
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Future directions in basin and petroleum systems modeling: A survey of the community
David J. Curry
An uncertainty approach to estimate recoverable reserves from the Bakken petroleum system in the North Dakota part of the Williston Basin
Cosima Theloy, Jay E. Leonard, Sarah C. Smith
Subseismic pathway prediction by three-dimensional structural restoration and strain analysis based on seismic interpretation
Jennifer Ziesch, David C. Tanner, Charlotte M. Krawczyk
Natural fractures in tight-oil sandstones: A case study of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the southwestern Ordos Basin, China
Wenya Lyu, Lianbo Zeng, Sibin Zhou, Xiaosheng Du, Dongling Xia, Guoping Liu, Jian Li, Jianqiao Weng
The cap rocks sealing the reservoir in the Węglówka oil field, sub-Silesian unit, Polish outer Carpathians: Petrographical approach
Katarzyna Górniak
Seismic geomorphology and sedimentology of a fluvial-dominated delta: Implications for the Neogene reservoirs, offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China
Shang Xu, Fang Hao, Changgui Xu, Huayao Zou, Baishui Gao
Fluid-flow evolution in the Albanide fold-thrust belt: Insights from hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of fluid inclusions
Stefan de Graaf, Casimir W. Nooitgedacht, Johan Le Goff, Jeroen H. J. L. van der Lubbe, Hubert B. Vonhof, John J. G. Reijmer
Geochemical constraints on the origins of calcite cements and their impacts on reservoir heterogeneities: A case study on tight oil sandstones of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, southwestern Ordos Basin, China
Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao, Keyu Liu, Songtao Wu, Guanghui Yuan, Rukai Zhu, Yiwei Zhao, Helge Hellevang
Mixed siliciclastic–carbonate systems and their impact for the development of deep-water turbidites in continental margins: A case study from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Shelburne subbasin in offshore Nova Scotia
Lorena Moscardelli, Jesús Ochoa, Ian Lunt, Laura Zahm
Seismic-based identification and stage analysis of overlapped compound sedimentary units in rifted lacustrine basins: An example from the Bozhong sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Sen Li, Hongtao Zhu, Changgui Xu, Hongliu Zeng, Qianghu Liu, Xianghua Yang
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