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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Analysis of fault damage zones using three-dimensional seismic coherence in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
Zonghu Liao, Hui Liu, Brett M. Carpenter, Kurt J. Marfurt, Ze’ev Reches
Quantification of thermal conductivity uncertainty for basin modeling
Patrick Elison, Jan Niederau, Christian Vogt, Christoph Clauser
Predicting petroleum gravity with basin modeling: New kinetic models
Friedemann Baur
Improving three-dimensional high-order seismic-stratigraphic interpretation for reservoir model construction: An example of geostatistical and seismic forward modeling of Permian San Andres shelf–Grayburg platform mixed clastic–carbonate strata
Yawen He, Charles Kerans, Hongliu Zeng, Xavier Janson, Samuel Z. Scott
Structural features and genesis of microscopic pores in lacustrine shale in an oil window: A case study of the Dongying depression
Linye Zhang, Zhonghong Chen, Zheng Li, Shouchun Zhang, Juyuan Li, Qing Liu, Rifang Zhu, Jingong Zhang, Youshu Bao
Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic sequence stratigraphic and paleogeographic controls on petroleum system elements of the Nicaraguan platform, western Caribbean Sea
Lucia Torrado, Luis Carlos Carvajal-Arenas, Javier Sanchez, Paul Mann, Juan Carlos Silva-Tamayo
Confocal laser scanning microscopy and automated petrographic image analysis in different rock types: Two-dimensional images capillary pressure curves estimation and three-dimensional porosity reconstruction
M. A. Caja, J. L. Pérez-Jiménez, M. F. León, D. Acero-Allard
Effective stress constraints on vertical flow in fault zones: Learnings from natural CO2 reservoirs
S. J. Naruk, J. G. Solum, J. P. Brandenburg, P. Origo, D. E. Wolf
Remigration and leakage from continuous shale reservoirs: Insights from the Sichuan Basin and its periphery, China
Chenghua Ou, Chaochun Li, Siyuan Huang, James J. Sheng
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