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AAPG Bulletin
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Introduction to Special Issue: Super basins: Selected case studies of the world’s greatest petroleum basins
Charles A. Sternbach, Claudio Bartolini
Super basin thinking: Methods to explore and revitalize the world’s greatest petroleum basins
Charles A. Sternbach
Super basins—New paradigm for oil and gas supply
Bob Fryklund, Philip (Pete) Stark
The Neuquén Super Basin
Ricardo D. Veiga, Gustavo D. Vergani, Ignacio E. Brissón, Carlos E. Macellari, Héctor A. Leanza
The Bakken–Three Forks super giant play, Williston Basin
Stephen A. Sonnenberg
The northern Gulf of Mexico offshore super basin: Reservoirs, source rocks, seals, traps, and successes
John W. Snedden, Robert C. Cunningham, Jon W. Virdell
The Sureste Super Basin of southern Mexico
Mark V. Shann, Karina Vazquez-Reyes, Hussein M. Ali, Andrew D. Horbury
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