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AAPG Bulletin

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Ultimate potentials of old oil pools: A quantitative range

Mengwei Zhao

Geophysical characterization of a leachate plume from a former municipal solid waste disposal site: A case study on Norman landfill

Md. Iftekhar Alam, Andrew Katumwehe, Estella Atekwana

Log evaluation, borehole image interpretation, and core calibration of deep-water reservoir rocks: A case study in the Gulf of Mexico

Chunming Xu

A very unconventional hydrocarbon play: The Mesoproterozoic Velkerri Formation of northern Australia

Grant M. Cox, Alan S. Collins, Amber J. M. Jarrett, Morgan L. Blades, April V. Shannon, Bo Yang, Juraj Farkas, Philip A. Hall, Brendan O’Hara, David Close, Elizabeth T. Baruch

Effects of extractable organic matter from mature lacustrine shale on the pore structure and their implications

Yuhong Lei, Xiaorong Luo, Xiangzeng Wang, Ming Cheng, Likuan Zhang, Zhenjia Cai, Lixia Zhang, Chengfu Jiang, Qian Ping Zhao, Jintao Yin

A geochemical analysis of produced water(s) from the Wolfcamp formation in the Permian Delaware Basin, western Texas

L. Taras Bryndzia, Ruarri J. Day-Stirrat, Amie M. Hows, Jean-Philippe Nicot, Anton Nikitin, Ozkan Huvaz

Lithofacies control on the formation of deformation bands: An example from the Sherwood Sandstone Group (Induan–Anisian, Lower Triassic) in western England

Oliver J. W. Wakefield, Ed Hough, Jan A. I. Hennissen, Joanna Thompson, Catherine Cripps, Daniel Parkes

Identifying the key source rocks in heterogeneous saline lacustrine shales: Paleogene shales in the Dongpu depression, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China

Tao Hu, Xiongqi Pang, Tianwu Xu, Changrong Li, Shu Jiang, Qifeng Wang, Yuanyuan Chen, Hongan Zhang, Chuang Huang, Shuangyi Gong, Zhongchen Gao

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