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AAPG Bulletin
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Carbon dioxide storage efficiency involving the complex reservoir units associated with Irati and Rio Bonito Formations, Paraná Basin, Brazil
Richardson M. Abraham-A, Colombo C. G. Tassinari
Sedimentary and diagenetic archive of a deeply buried, upper Ediacaran microbialite reservoir, southwestern China
Yongjie Hu, Chunfang Cai, Ying Li, Dawei Liu, Tianyuan Wei, Daowei Wang, Lei Jiang, Rongtu Ma, Shuyuan Shi, Adrian Immenhauser
Estimation of detachment depths and displacements from the area–depth markers of contractional growth structures: Testing the “inverse line” concept
Sam Rivas-Dorado
Tectonic relief evolution and large-scale karstification of an Ordovician supergiant reservoir, North Tarim uplift, northwestern China
Jiajun Chen, Dengfa He, Hanyu Huang
Fluvial reservoir architecture, directional heterogeneity and continuity, recognizing incised valley fills, and the case for nodal avulsion on a distributive fluvial system: Kern River field, California
D. K. Larue, J. Allen, D. Beeson, J. Robbins
Risk assessment of mantle-derived CO2 in the East China Sea basins, China
Huafeng Tang, Xinying Zhao, Keqiang Wu, Zilin Liu, Jianyong Xu, Baoliang Lu, Ang Sun, Tianchan Guo
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