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AAPG Bulletin
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The impact of organic pores on estimation of overpressure generated by gas generation in organic-rich shale: Example from Devonian Duvernay Shale, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Pengwei Wang, Zhuoheng Chen, Kezhen Hu, Chen Xiao
Laboratory study on microbial fractionation mechanisms of carbon and hydrogen isotopes in coalbed biomethane
Xianbo Su, Dan Li, Daping Xia, Weizhong Zhao, Haijiao Fu, Hongyu Guo
Prestack inversion and amplitude variation with offset attributes as hydrocarbon indicators in carbonate rocks: A case study from the Illinois Basin
Jacob T. Murchek, Paul McColgan, Lindell C. Bridges, Ernest C. Hauser, Doyle R. Watts
A mechanical basis of fault-bend folding
N. P. Benesh, J. H. Shaw
Origin of heavy shale oil in saline lacustrine basins: Insights from the Permian Lucaogou Formation, Junggar Basin
Yuce Wang, Jian Cao, Keyu Tao, Chenjia Zhang, Baoli Xiang, Erting Li, Shuang Yu, Changchun Pan
Permeability field imaging: Mapping the geocritical crust’s permeability field
P. A. Geiser, P. E. Malin, S. E. Boyer, J. R. Geiser
Evolution of pore space in tight sandstone: The roles of dissolution, calcite cementation, and clay growth
Nengwu Zhou, Min Wang, Shuangfang Lu, Wei Liu, Ying Guan, Changqi Yu
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