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AAPG Bulletin

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Comparison of silica diagenesis between the lower Cambrian and lower Silurian shale reservoirs in the middle–upper Yangtze platform (southern China)

Ping Gao, Xianming Xiao, Dongfeng Hu, Gary G. Lash, Ruobing Liu, Baoyue Zhang, Yanming Zhao

Natural fractures of the Tuscaloosa marine shale

Cristina Mariana Ruse, Mehdi Mokhtari

Pore characteristics and evolution mechanisms of paralic shales from the Upper Permian Longtan Formation, southwestern China

Qing He, Tian Dong, Sheng He

Oil families, oil–source rock correlation, basin modeling, and implication for petroleum systems, Termit Basin, Niger

Bang Liu, Lirong Dou, Guanghua Zhai, Fengjun Mao, Jiguo Liu, Mingsheng Lü, Dingsheng Cheng

Locating massive syneresis fractures in shale: An experimental study

X. Wang, L. Pan, L. Li, H. C. Lau, M. Zhang, H. Wang, N. Cai

Paleoenvironmental constraints on Paleozoic shale deposition in the midcontinent United States

Noah Morris, Adriana Potra, John R. Samuelsen

Impact of CO2 influx on sandstone reservoir quality: A case study of the Quantou Formation, southern Songliao Basin, China

Zheng Cao, Chengyan Lin, Chunmei Dong, Lihua Ren, Keyu Liu, Karem Azmy, Hairuo Qing, Jason Cosford

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