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AAPG Bulletin
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Introduction for the special issue on deep petroleum systems
Fang Hao, Keyu Liu
Petroleum accumulation history of deeply buried carbonate reservoirs in the northern Tarim Basin, northwestern China
Peng Yang, Keyu Liu, Noreen J. Evans, Shuichang Zhang, Zhen Li, Jin Su, Kai Rankenburg, Jianliang Liu, Brent I. A. McInnes
Characteristics and origin of the ultradeep Ordovician fault-karst reservoirs: An example from the Shunbei-Yuejin area, Tarim Basin
Jian Wang, Xintong Wang, Yingchang Cao, Fang Hao, Yuhan Pang, Lu Yun, Haijun Yang, Mingfeng Xie
The whole petroleum system with ordered coexistence of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons: Case from the Junggar Basin, China
Yong Tang, Jian Cao, Wenjun He, Yin Liu, Zhijun Qin, Liliang Huang
Structural inheritance controls crustal-scale extensional fault-related folding in the Exmouth and Dampier Sub-basins, North West Shelf, Australia
Hongdan Deng, Ken McClay, Hanlin Chen, Emma Finch, Dariusz Jablonski, Sukonmeth Jitmahantakul
Lamina-scale diagenetic mass transfer in lacustrine organic-rich shales and impacts on shale oil reservoir formation
Yingchang Cao, Kelai Xi, Xiaobing Niu, Miruo Lin, Weijiao Ma, Zehan Zhang, Helge Hellevang
Geochemical characteristics, genetic types, and sources of gas accumulations in the northern Jizhong subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China
Nian Liu, Nansheng Qiu, Mingkuan Qin, Zhenming Li, Chuan Cai, Yuanjie Wang, Qiang Guo, Man Lu
Concentric hydrocarbon accumulations in deep rift basins: A case study of Jizhong and Huanghua depressions, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Xianzheng Zhao, Fengming Jin, Xiugang Pu, Qun Luo, Xiongying Dong, Wenzhong Han, Chunyuan Han, Wenya Jiang, Wei Zhang, Zhannan Shi, Delu Xie
High-precision seismic imaging for complex deep structures in the hydrocarbon exploration using a coherent-stacking-based least-squares migration
Jidong Yang, Jianping Huang, Tengfei Lin, Zhenchun Li, Liang Chen
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