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AAPG Bulletin

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Exploring for unswept gas: Integrating reservoir models, production data, and fault seal analysis in the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia

David Kulikowski, Alexander G. Robson

Accumulation of gas hydrates in mass transport deposits at Krishna-Godavari Basin, Bay of Bengal: Foraminiferal, sedimentologic, and seismic evidence

Ajoy K. Bhaumik, Shiv Kumar, Swagata Chaudhuri, Satabdi Mohanty, Mrinal Kanti Mukherjee, K. Sain, Anil K. Gupta, Pushpendra Kumar

Reservoir characteristics of the Silurian Kepingtage Formation sandstones in the southern Tahe region, Tarim Basin

Yuanzhuang Chen, Yi Wang, Xiuxiang Lü, Jiang Wu, Ming Wang, Yongtao Xia

An integrated correlation from platform to basin: Implications for understanding the Ediacaran succession of Oman

Irene Gómez-Pérez, Kristin Bergmann, Hussam Al Rawahi

Organic geochemical characterization of deltaic Paleogene rock units in Coos Bay, Oregon: Kerogen type and richness in response to depositional environments

Allison K. Barbato, John M. Armentrout, Leslie B. Magoon, Thomas Demchuk, Craig Barrie, Sophie Warny

Geochemical and petrophysical characterization of potential gas shale reservoirs in the Lishu depression, southern Songliao Basin, northeastern China

Sandong Zhou, Zhejun Pan, Detian Yan, Haijiao Fu, Rui Yang

Failure to launch: Fate of the Second White Specks as a resource play was preordained by its Late Cretaceous depositional setting

Bruce S. Hart, Juergen Schieber, Michael H. Hofmann, A. Guy Plint

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