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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
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Memorial: Arthur Jerrold Tieje (1891-1944)
T. D. Clements
Memorial: Arthur Keith (1864-1944)
Allyn C. Swinnerton
Memorial: Cecil Earl Shoenfelt (1885-1944)
A. E. Brainerd
Memorial: Charles Brewer, Jr. (1900-1944)
H. J. Simmons Jr.
Memorial: Curtis Hall Montgomery (1897-1944)
Graydon Oliver
Memorial: David H. Graham (1910-1944)
J. L. Gillson
Memorial: Edward Oscar Ulrich (1857-1944)
R. S. Bassler
Memorial: Edward Virgil Winterer (1897-1944)
E. R. Atwill
Memorial: Freeman Ward (1879-1943)
E. P. Rothrock
Memorial: George L. Richards, Jr. (1908-1944)
M. G. Edwards
Memorial: George Otis Smith (1871-1944)
Carroll E. Dobbin
Memorial: Harry Favill Wright (1888-1944)
Walter J. Allen
Memorial: Henry Andrew Buehler (1876-1944)
Garrett A. Muilenburg
Memorial: Jesse Homer Derden (1890-1944)
C. W. Roop
Memorial: Joseph Alexander Taff (1862-1944)
Bailey Willis, C. C. Church
Memorial: Lee Hager (1874-1944)
Alexander Deussen
Memorial: Linn Markley Farish (1901-1944)
Willard J. Classen, George D. Pence
Memorial: Lovic Pierce Garrett (1880-1943)
Ben C. Belt, Paul Weaver
Memorial: Robert Hamilton Cuyler (1908-1944)
Fred M. Bullard
Memorial: Roy Ernest Dickerson (1877-1944)
Richard C. Harris
Memorial: Willem A. J. M. van Waterschoot van der Gracht (1873-1943)
M. Gordon Gulley
Memorial: William C. Steubing (1881-1943)
J. Earle Brown