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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
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Memorial: Adolph Dovre (1892-1951)
Herschel H. Cooper
Memorial: Carl Wiedenmayer (1897-1951)
H. G. Kugler
Memorial: Cesare Porro (1865-1940)
Thomas S. Harrison
Memorial: Evert Willem Karel Andrau (1900-1951)
A. F. van Everdingen
Memorial: George Hall Ashley (1866-1951)
S. H. Cathcart
Memorial: Joe Trees McMahon (1907-1951)
Paul B. Fahle
Memorial: Joseph Jefferson Bryan (1905-1951)
J. W. Harding
Memorial: Ralph Sterling Powell (1901-1951)
Henry Rogatz
Memorial: Reginald Lynn Dacey (1908-1951)
Olin G. Bell
Memorial: Richard A. Conkling (1885-1952)
Albert S. Clinkscales
Memorial: Sanford Henry Casteel (1898-1952)
Ford Bradish
Memorial: Thomas Wayland Vaughan (1870-1952)
John W. Wells
Memorial: Vincent Evans (1907-1951)
Howard S. Bryant
Memorial: Walter W. Larsh (1893-1951)
Lee H. Cornell