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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

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Memorial: Arthur Warren Ambrose (1889-1952)

Robert L. Kidd

Memorial: Charles Franklin Bowen (1871-1953)

L. G. Weeks

Memorial: Elmer Grant Woodruff (1872-1952)

A. L. Beekly

Memorial: Elmer Harrison Finch (1883-1953)

Dilworth S. Hager

Memorial: Enrico Fossa-Mancini (1884-1950)

A. Herrero Ducloux

Memorial: Ernest Lyle Berg (1910-1953)

T. F. Harriss

Memorial: Fanny Carter Edson (1887-1952)

J. B. Leiser

Memorial: Francis Ivan Martin (1896-1952)

James A. Tong

Memorial: Frederick McAlpine Hutchinson (1884-1952)

Alexander Deussen

Memorial: George Edgar Burton (1880-1953)

C. W. Tomlinson

Memorial: George Matthew Kridler (1889-1953)

Walter D. Henderson

Memorial: Gilbert Dennison Harris (1864-1952)

Katherine V. W. Palmer

Memorial: Harold Greeley Picklesimer (1916-1952)

James K. Rogers

Memorial: Harry Newton Morris, Jr. (1920-1952)

Victor P. Grage

Memorial: Henry F. Herpers, Jr. (1915-1952)

Meredith E. Johnson

Memorial: Hoyt Stoddard Gale (1876-1952)

D. Dale Condit

Memorial: Jack Hilder Donavan (1921-1953)

Lloyd R. Dreveskracht

Memorial: James Taylor Richards (1892-1953)

Hubert E. Bale

Memorial: John Wiley Harrison (1916-1952)

Frank A. Morgan Jr.

Memorial: Joseph Rudolph (1897-1953)

John C. Myers

Memorial: Louis Joseph Wilbert, Jr. (1919-1953)

Grover E. Murray

Memorial: Marcel Schlumberger (1884-1953)

Eugene G. Leonardon

Memorial: Ogden Sherman Jones (1891-1952)

L. C. Hay

Memorial: Owen Fuller Thornton (1916-1953)

John D. Todd

Memorial: Raymond Vern Darby (1896-1953)

Homer J. Steiny

Memorial: Richard Ellis Sherrill (1899-1952)

Charles R. Fettke

Memorial: Robert Lee McLaren (1901-1953)

Ed. W. Owen

Memorial: Stanley Holman Cathcart (1889-1953)

Bradford Willard