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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
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Memorial: Bruce F. Curtis (1918-2012)
Paul Weimer
Memorial: Coy H. Squyres (1926-2012)
Richard Thomas Jacky
Memorial: Gerald M. "Gerry" Friedman (1921-2011)
Charles A. Sternbach
Memorial: John R. Barwin (2934-2012)
Family of John R. Barwin
Memorial: Joseph Richard (J. R.) Green (1919-2012)
Richard G. Green
Memorial: Kenneth Ira Owens (1930-2011)
Sam Thompson III
Memorial: Leslie William Lease (1920-2012)
Peggy J. Lease
Memorial: Perry Owen Roehl (1925-2010)
John Long
Memorial: Richard O. Donley, Jr. (1926-2011)
Jan Donley
Memorial: Steven James O'Connor (1951-2012)
Robin Crawford
Memorial: W. Blake Fox (1928-2011)
Donna Fox
Memorial: Wayne M. Ahr (1938-2011)
Bill Morgan