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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Abilene Geological Society
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Coherence Cube for Structural and Stratigraphic Delineation in Clastic And Carbonate Sequences
Scott Miller
Exploration for Canyon Reefs Utilizing Subsurface Geology and 3-D Seismic, Jones and Taylor Counties, Texas
Jerry S. Stokes
Fishing Techniques for Drilling Operations
J. Douglas Cearley
Geologic History and Reservoir Development in the Shoebar Field Area, Lea County, New Mexico
Louis J. Mazzullo
The Impact of Refinement of Quantitative Palynostratigraphic Interpretations on High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Analyses
Salah El-Din Ragab Mahmoud
Internet Helps Maximize Railroad Commission's Information Assets
David E. Schieck
The Morphology and Structure of Buried Impact Craters
P. Jan Cannon
Navigator Field, Dickens County, Texas a Case of Integration
Robert A. Cannon
Prospecting with Wrench Faulting in West Texas
G. Pat Bolden
Reservoir Geometries and Exploration Strategies in the Morrow of Southeastern New Mexico
Louis J. Mazzullo
Using Produced Water Analyses to Evaluate Production Problems and Recompletions in an "Old" Waterflood: Foster - South Cowden Fields, Ector County, Texas
Robert C. Trentham, Kevin Widner